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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Monday, October 25, 2004

Tooth slayers

It has been a bloody hectic week, lots of work and to make it worse i have to extract my tooth (damn painful experience)...well i just wanna share the traumatic experience with u guys...i had this pain on my molar tooth since last 3 months but the dentist didnt detact anythin, so i suspected that im just havin hypersensitivity...but last week...it was really painful, i couldnt sleep so i went to see a dentist (aka tooth digger/slayer) fren (Dr Maryati) and she told me that the amalgam on my 2nd lower left molar fractured and it cannot be saved anymore...i took painkiller and antibiotic dat day (burned my puasa)...next day i went to see her again to take it out (after being advised by other ppl)...but this time another dentist that i got to know in PD (Dr. Ainon Natrah) did the job...she jabbed 6 times in my gum (it was a really good job coz i didnt feel anythin)...and after a while starts workin on my molar. To my (and maybe her) horor, i have a vary strong jaw (the bone is condensed) that its very difficult to take it out...and what she had to do was to snap my tooth and take it out piece by piece, bits by bits...it was really traumatic to have her pulling my tooth that its feels like she gonna break my jaw and the sound of my molar snapping, cracking and shattered is so damn scary...i was sweating and tho i didnt feel anythin...cant help imagining whats happening inside my mouth...goddamn scary!!! After full 15 mins of nightmare, she stopped and said that the roots of the molar is still intatact in my jaw after takin an x ray of it and she needs to take it out again in a couple of days time!!!

Got 2 days MC, went home and after 2 hours the pain kicked in...swallowed my painkiller and tried to sleep...was bleedin like hell for almost 12 hours after that...next day i puasa again coz the bleedin stopped and Dr Anon msged me tellin that a specialist will take out the root the day after dat...went to see the specialist next mornin...she said i need some 'minor surgery'...jabbed me 3 times but it was damn painful this time...and when she said 'minor surgery'...its more of mutilating my gum with her sharp tools...its so damn painful like my whole head gonna burst!!(even after LA)...by the time she finished 'korek' my gum and took out the 1st root...I swear that it's the most painful experience i ever had!(even kalah the time i broke my legs in 2 when i was 5 yrs old)...then she dig for another one but magically its not there altho it appears in the x ray film....got my gum stiched up and its over...

Thank God the bleeding stopped in 1 hout time...altho my face still a little swollen...i'll make sure thats gonna be the last time these slayers (;p) took anything out of my jaw again...but they did a very good job especially Dr Ainon...really appreciate it...so to any of u guys with tootache...ahahaha...good luck with it......
