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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Monday, September 06, 2004

Its Sunday 2 a.m and I’m kinda tired but feels like writing sth… so much in my head that I wanna write and share. So I think I’ll just write some now and the rest of it tomorrow morning. To everyone who is reading my blog, I wanna say I’m sorry coz sometimes (most of the time?), you guys cannot relate to things that I wrote. I hope u guys keep reading the things that I'm sharing here. Right now I just watched ‘King Arthur’ on DVD which I bought (u guys know where to get the bootleg version right??) beside ‘the village’. My original plan tonight was to catch a play at the Actors Studio Bangsar but couldn’t find anyone to go with me. I’m still gonna watch it and tomorrow is the last day but most probably I’m goin alone (I know it’s pathetic but hey…I dun have any gf and other frenz are either busy or dun like theatre).

Now King Arthur is probably by far the worse movie that I watched this year if not ever. The script sucks, the storyline is stupid, the history and military tactics are totally inaccurate (not to mention ridiculous) and the characters are so damn lame. Total bullshit at its best. I happen to know a little bit about the Roman Army and military tactic but what they have in the movie totally doesn’t make sense. The worse part in the movie was how stupid Arthur can be. I mean, what the hell he was thinking letting the Saxon thru the gate. What’s the use of the wall if not to prevent the enemy from getting through? They suppose to man the walls and fight the enemy (sth like Battle of Helm Deep in LOTR) from it. Sigh…in real siege warfare, the attacker should at least have a battle ram to knock down the wall. The other way to do it is to set up a blockade so that no food can get in and the defender will be staving and forced to surrender. In this case the Saxons don’t even have any siege machine to knock the wall or the gate nor can they siege Arthur and co because the wall divided England into halves (Arthur and gang are not holding up in a castle).

Some people would say that I take things too seriously when I should sit back and enjoy the movie. Well it’s too obvious and I simply cannot ignore all those bullshits and even the battle scene is neither exciting nor awesome. To summarize it all, it’s a crappy movie that u guys shouldn’t waste your time watching it…
