About Me
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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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sights to see
pesa's photoblog
web to crawl
guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
- ocean colour scene - 
- bush -  
- darkness -  
- incubus -  
- radiohead - 
- silverchair -  
- coldplay -  
- oasis - 
- rage against the machine -  
- ...etc -  
-interest -  
- WW2 - 
- books -  
- music -  
- scaled models - 
- painting -  
- war -  
- peace - 
- warm -  
- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Just got back from my kampung this morning...was thinkin of updating my blog when i was back there but it is an old pc back home...really slow...malas...tho i have lots of interesting things to talk abt when i was back there...it's really sad when i got home to see only my parents are the only people livin there now...all of my siblings are currently away either working or studyin...so right now we have 7 bedrooms but only 2 ppl...but thats all about to change in 2 months time...during raya i think i'm gonna be the one who has to sleep at the hall :p...x kisahla...went to get my baju melayu and sampin for hari raya (havent had any new baju melayu for quite some time)...the funny thing abt it was when my mom bargained for my sampin...hehhe...lawakla...you know how old ppl tryin to bargain for the lowest...if its me...kalau setakat rm5...kira kawtim la...but my mom still ask for that rm5...i tgk n senyum je...that pakcik plak sibuk taknak kasik...but at last my mom won the battle la :p...

coming back home alone and spending the time just the 3 of us kinda fun gak...feels like im a kid again (even acted like one back home...jumping around here and there :p) coz my mom pampered habis...masak lots of things and feed me ...sampai x larat. About acting ike a kidpart,don't blame me...coz the only time I spent my life back home was when i was a kid...dah besar nie...usually just during semester break or holiday jer (tu pun kejap2 jer)!!The best part was when i told my mom I wanna eat some 'udang goreng' when I 1st got home. She said she already bought it the day before coz i told her abt that 2 months ago (she still remembers it...hehe...best!!!). She did mention abt some bakul that she likes at my bro place so rite now im makin a mental note to buy it for her next time im goin back....

here are a few more pics of my room... :p...I spent so little time at my place nowadays...x sempat nak bersepah pun...goin to PD for 2 weeks starting this monday for "induksi" course...x larat la.. :(

my bed...

a few of the stuff...

my pc...

the models that i made myself...
