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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Just came back from PD after havin spending my weekend and Merdeka Day there. Anyway can’t help but thinking about my bed and my spoiled Merdeka plan while I was there, so basically it was not very fun. I was in PD coz we’re having this post mortem on data collection plus a farewell party to all the data collectors for the research. It’s more of a vacation thingy rather than a serious meeting. PD reminds me much of Ferringhi beach in Penang. Very narrow beach and lots of resorts and hotels along it. So u wouldn’t see much of a normal family picnic except for certain stretch of the beach just after the new Seremban-PD highway I think.
The fact that many of these resorts and hotels occupying the narrow beaches just dun seems right. It just spoils the fun for the normal everyday people who most of the time cannot afford the luxury to stay at these resorts and hotels. I dunno, maybe coz where I’m from, there’s no such thing as private beach blocked and by hotels and resorts, u know…Miami style. Well it’s kinda hard to complain in a world of corporate fun and 10 dollar coffees. Then again, it’s us who decide whether we wanna have 10 or 1 dollar coffee. Maybe now we still have that choice. Let us hope that they will never allow for these corporate bodies to own the beaches. What I’m afraid of is that someday we dun have the choice and have to drink up those 10 dollar coffees and stay in resorts just to have fun on the corporate owned beaches. When the day that all those choices are deprived from us, we gonna look back and think which is the real luxury; the corporate owned beach or the public beach where we can have a good old picnic…think about it…

p/s: Sab, if u r reading this, I had a chance to drive around PD town, kinda nice…I’m sure u can give me a nice tour guide next time…:p
