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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Monday, August 16, 2004

Man is a warring animal. It’s always been. Try reading the newspaper and history books! Since the dawn of time, we’ve been at each other’s throat for one reason or another but as we become more civilized, suddenly the chances of having peace is getting lesser. The whole chronic ‘world destruction’ is getting worse and there’s no stopping to it. In the last 2 centuries, we’ve spent more time (yes I'm talking bout most part of the world) fighting each other than before. World War I marked the starting of large scale warfare involving the air, sea and land and since then, there’s no turning back. There’s WWI, WW2, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Israel-Palestine, Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War part I &II (yup, typical Hollywood movie stuff, hey after all there’s the American to play the part of the good guys!!), Serbia Montenegro-Bosnia-Croatia-Kosovo (among other Balkan conflicts), Afghanistan and endless list of other wars/conflicts which would be too many to mention and God knows what else in the future. Then there’re all sorts of terrifying ‘stuff’ that was used. Mustard gas, in WW1, napalm bombing and atomic bombs in WW2, Agent Orange in Vietnam, depleted uranium ammunition and cluster bombs (those cute little bombs that the children pick up thinking that it’s early Christmas present sent by the Americans) in Gulf War. At the rate we’re going I’m quite confident with what Einstein said; “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” It’s getting more ‘interesting’ since the end of Cold War. Instead of using proxies, they’re now (especially Americans) going head on to each others. Just look at their ‘good deeds’ in the past few years. If we’re lucky enough, we get to see Korean War pt.2 soon. According to current newspaper, China is getting itchy with the whole Taiwan conflict and might soon join the bandwagon. The most common justifications to satisfy the bloodthirsty genes in us human are justice (we govern BETTER than u do), freedom (we are ALWAYS the most DEMOCRATIC and FREE people) and human rights (other people don’t get to exercise their rights if it DIFFERS from ours!) and its our right (my presioussss…mine- *read it the Gollum way*). Our egos are infinite (beside our foolishness) and we’ll do anything to prove that we’re always right! Anyway, we’re lucky to live in Malaysia because we don’t have to worry bout bombs dropping on our head while we’re taking a piss or terrorist blowing out the LRT. That is the good thing bout Malaysia although some of our fellow Malaysian will graduate with top honors based on their extra curricular activities (read: killing, raping, etc) in the Academy for Sick Minds. In the current global climate, we should stick together for peace but at the same time, we (the government, society, you and me) must do something about the increasing crimes rate. It’s worse to lose people in peacetime than to lose people to war! There’s simply no justification for that. We need to buckle up, educate each other, have more awareness, tighten up the law, step up the enforcement and last but not least, believe in God. With that, I'm gonna stop and may God bless Malaysian and the rest of the world…
