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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Thursday, September 02, 2004

I wrote a bit about the scientific conference that I attended last week in my previous entry. Actually I wrote a lil bit more on Saturday but somehow sth was wrong with the connection and what was supposed to be my last entry never appears in my blog. What I wrote was basically about some interesting things that I learned during those 4 days conference. Most of it updates on recent studies, new drugs and techniques used in current medical practice. Some of the interesting presentation that I attended was on epilepsy (or sawan gila babi), issues on organ transplantation, HIV/AIDS, coronary heart disease, mental health etc. I wanna share just a few things here which I think is very interesting.

A donor who wants to donate his liver to another adult, he has to give 60% of his liver. Meaning that he gonna have 40% of his liver left with him (yes liver can regenerate itself, but kinda feaky huh??).
Mortality rate for a donor in a liver transplant procedure is 0.5-1% (up to 1 of every 100 of these donor will die on the operation table)
In certain Africa country (Rwanda and a few others), the HIV/Aids patients occupy 60% of the bed. Aids killed more people in those countries than the massacres in their civil war!!

Well there lots of other interesting stuff, but I’m not sure if I should share some of those with u guys here. One of the most interesting presentations was on ethical issues regarding organ transplantation in current situation where there’re lots of sentiments from the media driving the society on non related living donor. Maybe I’ll discuss on that later.
