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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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pesa's photoblog
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guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
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- ...etc -  
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- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Thursday, March 11, 2004


I think i did tell all of u guys that i'm transferring to kl rite?? well actually i applied to work there....not that i have anything against penang...but due to other reasons....I know lots of ppl said that i like KL way too much...well i admit that...i dunno but maybe some would say that im just tryin to be who im not...from a kampung boy to i dunno say...city guy?? heh....well actually dun care that much bout things like that...i think the answer is simple...to improve...

now what does KL has to do with the point im saying?? well i'll get there in a short while...errm... self improving is a God's gift to Man...its more like an instinct...everyone wants to improve...altho it may be diff for each individual...be it sth as simple/small as 'having a better sleep tonite' to sth as grand as building an empire or to be a powerful dictator like Louis IV ,famous for his quote " l'etat c'est moi (I am the state)". In connection to that....city in the words of Hishamudin Rais,

" But lets face the fact; since ancient times, cities have been the only place that the individual could develop his/her fullest potential.
Ideas,philosophy,arts,cuisine,concepts,technologies-one could list on and on-all begins around a particular city. The urban space allows me to be incognito, to be whoever i want to be or not wish to be. The city is the only place that permits me to let my hair down or paint my hair green."

now...i think thats the best way to describe how important the city can be to a person...ohh..i know there r many other cities beside KL, but in Malaysia, KL is the best epitome of the above quote...so plz dont blame me if I like KL so much...its as simple as that....
