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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, August 12, 2004

hurmm...its been a long day today, lectured by my immediate boss on my so called 'attitude probs'...its not that bad but to know that the wrath of my big boss from upstair lies with me is not the most welcome news....anyway...i'm not goin into that...

read a post on the net bout I-robot and would it be possible for artificial intelligence to to evolve to a stage that they will develope 'feelings'...well i dun think they will be able to develope 'feelings' but we can help them immitate those 'feelings'...based on current tech, i dun think its that far from achieving that...i mean, just look at animated characters from shrek 2 as example...just look at the facial expressions...and with the right programming and the right hardware, i think robot too can show that expression...nw back to the question on immitating human feelings, we can programme the robots to show certain expression on dealing with certain scenarios...even the Aibo (dog robot) is able to do that today...my sis who was in japan last time told me that the 'dog' will be very manja if u just scratch it's head and will start barking if u did sth nasty like kick it...meaning those emotions were preprogrammed...i think we can even go as far as making robots love/fall in love with something by including logic instruction to fall in love with sth that match the profiles that we want them to....but then again, we are no God...what we cannot give to them is freedom of choice and the uniqueness of their choices....example: diff person like diff things/ppl/personalities....because each human being is unique...just like our fingerprints...but robots....we cannot preprogramme them to become a unique/distintive individual...its almost impossible to do that....i think thats the reason we cannot make them to develope their own feelings....they can only immitate feelings because they lack the one most important thing....INSTINCT...
