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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Monday, August 09, 2004

Its been a while since the last time I wrote sth in my blog...the reason is…I was quite frustrated coz my previous blog was shut down by the operator coz they suddenly decided that there should be no more free blogging and ppl should pay for it….so I lost all of my previous entries….so im gonna start fresh now…need to vent I guess.

Currently I’m reading 2 books; juggling between a pocket edition autobiographies of Churchill and a ‘A diplomat arrives in Washington’ by Dr. Fauziah Taib (which I started last night)….I’ve been pretty (extremely???) lazy for the past couple of month. I stopped reading newspaper coz I feel so jaded bout the world and everything that’s been happening around. It’s the same thing everyday, some kid got raped, corruption, every sorts of crime in Malaysia and not the mention the whole Iraq situation (oh and the fact that the football season ended).

Back to the book that I’m reading…both are good books (but hey I suck at rating books)…both about a great/ fascinating experience of 2 people dealing with the world and at the same time juggling their private life. One is one of the most influential leader of modern time and the other is a Malaysian female diplomat (oh yes it’s not easy to get to that level). I like reading about great men/women coz it inspires me (or maybe I’m just trying to forget about my won weaknesses??). Anyway, they do lead charming lives, meeting great people, seeing the other side of the world etc but not without a price. Often this kind of people has to sacrifice a great deal in their private life. I always wanted to be like them although some people would doubt me. “We judge ourselves on what we are capable of doing while others judge us on what we did” (funny rite??). I realized last few days that I can’t wait and idle anymore coz I’m getting older each day…I need to move forward and do my master now instead of waiting to be offered one!!!! At the pace I'm going now, I'm going nowhere. I need to speed LOTS of things up.

Well enough about myself, lately I’ve been meeting lots of cool people which I really enjoy their company and I shall mention about them in my coming entries. Till next time…chow…

p/s: The Congress Library in Washington is the largest library in the world. It has more that 120 million items and has 530 miles of bookshelves (that’s the length of peninsula Malaysia!!) – Interesting fact from the book I'm reading now!
