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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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pesa's photoblog
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guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
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- rage against the machine -  
- ...etc -  
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- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Closing the account

Was updating my patients' record today (actually it's more of I HAVE TO do it) as part of the 'account closing' exercise.Since I started here in July, I've seen 63 patients which mean I have average of 12/month.That's hardly alot compared to how many I used to handle in Penang on daily basis 2 years ago. However, since I have to manage the unit too, I guess I can still justify my workload. Haven't had any 'smart ass' patients since I'm here so far tho.Used to have some of those too. Most of them are smart, too smart for my taste and usually I let them do the talking. Some just need a place to talk.They know more than me.. :p I rather enjoy the company of elderly patients, talking and joking to them. They tend to listen and comply more too.It just give me that good feeling whenever they come back for another appointment looking and sounding much better. That's not always the case with most patients tho. Some would follow the advice, other just can't. Some come back and some just went missing after one appointment...Basically it's the common thing, diabetes, hypertention, elevated cholesterol both in men and women, young and old...and somehow it's supposed to make me be more careful with those things but sadly to say that's not the case sometimes (most of the time??). It's like some heart surgeons still puffing on ciggies.Some people do things out of ignorance, others perfectly aware of the whole thing but still do it. We are what we wanna be regardless of what we might know...I think most of us (including me for that matter) are like that...

Anyway, am enjoying my work here, having the chance to do both management and clinical work (maybe it's not twice but more of alternating kind of headache) but i hope not to stay here that long (suprise suprise, i've been working in 3 places in my 2 years of my service, am not sure how that's going to look in my record tho!!). Now with the new Pengarah coming, hope things will get better....amin (* anxious mood of the kind of boss I might have after this)
