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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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sights to see
pesa's photoblog
web to crawl
guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
- ocean colour scene - 
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- silverchair -  
- coldplay -  
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- rage against the machine -  
- ...etc -  
-interest -  
- WW2 - 
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- peace - 
- warm -  
- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Short cut

I happened to go out with a friend yesterday to look for some stuff in Kota Bharu. As always when the festive season is near, every street is jam packed with people who came back from all over the country. We were caught in a long queue at a junction with a traffic light when we left the shopping complex. My friend who happened to be driving suddenly said "hey i know a short cut to the main road from here...there should be a junction just about here..." and then we saw a car making a turn to a small street just in front of us. Confidently I said "That must be it...quick, follow that car!!". So we tailed the car in front of us along the 'short cut' when suddenly the car stopped and we realized that it's a dead end. The car in front did a U-turn and instinctively I held up the day's newspaper high to cover my face pretending I was reading it and shouted "shit...don't look at them,this is freaking embarrassing man!!".I think my friend was grinning wide when he caught the look on the other driver's face...hehehe, I wonder what they're thinking of us at that time! Honestly, I think they're as embarrassed as we were..Can't help cursing at our own 'genius plan' as we trailed the car again back to where we started!!The good thing is, we managed to find the shortcut after that. Not sure bout the other car tho...hopefully they do...

p/s: To everyone who reads this blog, I want to wish a SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN if anything that was written in here hurt your feeling in any way whether it's unintentional or not... =)
