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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bloody Pangkor!

Just got back from Pangkor today after 4 days there and it was the worst 'tour of duty' that i ever had so far!! The resort that we stayed was really² bad! The room was small, the facilities were bad, the food was also bad and the service was damn slow! I know the place was still new (after the last management 'bungkus') and if they keep it up this way, they'll experience it themselves very soon! Duh, dun even wanna think about it...very the sakit hati!

p/s: maybe I went to the wrong beach, but Pasir Bogak definately failed to impress me...I don't think I'll be taking any vacation to Pangkor anytime soon! I would definately plan a trip to some east coast's islands for my vacation later!


Reading teek's entry (click 'here' ) remind me of a stupid and embarassing incident that I had last year. It was at an opening function to a course and I was given the task to recite the 'doa'! When I was told of my task, obviously I refused because there are some other guys who would be definately better at it,(and I hate how my voice sound on the speaker) but since other people were already occupied with some other tasks, I had to do it. Just before I went to take the mic, a friend jokingly told me "wei, jangan lupa baca doa makan sama!" which I replied "Wokeh, no hal" *grinning...So I took the mic, started to recite all the doa(s) that I know and in the middle of it, I suddenly went "Allahumma barik lana..." without realizing it!! Then I suddenly panicked, stopped, cough a few times (*obviously I had to!), try to compose myself and decide to end my doa early! As I was walking back to my seat, someone near the isle said. "Wei, apa yang ko baca tadi, kitorang tak dengar la...slow sangat suara ko!" Thank God!! The moment I got to my seat, the 1st guy who joked to me bout the doa makan grinned and said... "wei, ko baca betul ehh tadi?? hahaha " ...all I said was "errrrr" and gave my kerang busuk smile obviously very embarassed of what happened. I hope he's the only one listening to what I recited! Or was there anyone else listening???!! Duhh...

p/s: nobody else mentioned anything about the doa to me... :)
