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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Monday, January 10, 2005

Conspiracy theory

I know it's kinda late to talk abt this...it's last weeks's news...was plannin to write it last week, just dun have the time. It's about how the Malaysian football team still losing to the Indonesian despite leading with 3-1 aggregate at half time. Well i have this conspiracy theory abt it. You see, if u guys noticed that nite...Najib was there to give his support to the team, and Malaysia was playin quite well till half time. We defended well and at time giving some serious threat to the Indonesian keeper. However, after the half time everythin changed. Well i'm quite sure if there's any close circuit cam in the Malaysian dressing room,I'm sure we all can see how Najib went into the dressing room, congratulate our players and then went on how we shud 'purposely' losing to our neighbour who just being wrecked by the tsunami... i mean to beat them that nite wud be like kickin a person who's already flat on the floor...i'm sure there's this high level conspiracy to lose purposely and help lift the indonesian spirit back there....make sense rite?We Malaysian has always been considerate toward others. So to all the Malaysian fans out there, dun be soo sad..it's almost beyond anyone wildest dreams that we can still lose that nite...

p/s: havin said all that, if there's any SB officer readin all the stuff i wrote...am just kiddin man...u know i ain't serious abt Najib tellin our players and stuff...we all know that Malaysian football team sucks rite?? :p
