Rory is dead :(
In my last post...i wrote about how rory acted weirdly...well it's true...she's sick and by the time i got home from work that day...i found her dead in the tank...*sad*...tho up till now i dunno what's wrong with her...hurmmm...and i didn't even have the chance to take her pic and show it to u guys...i buried her downstairs near a tree (x sampai hati to put her in the trash)...paid my last respect to her... may God bless her soul...u take care gal...kinda a fucked up day gak la...coz i was locked outside my apartment when i went to bury her downstairs...left my keys it adds up the 'flavour' to a bad day....anyway...Lola is still alive and well...and hope she will stay that way...probably need to find her a new roomate soon...

say hi to Lola...

As u all can see...she's alone more Rory...*isk
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