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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Monday, January 03, 2005

Logistic problems

I do think that the condition in Indonesia and other affected countries by the tsunami is getting worse...and the far worse news is that, it's really hard to help them...sure we can send the whole cargo of food supplies, but the question is, how to make sure the victims get all those. Indonesia is by far a larger country than us...that the logistic part of dropping all that supplies to those vast land must be a headache!! Even we in Malaysia have those small remote kampungs...so i can't imagine how Indonesia wud be...they have thousands of islands..and i do think they have hundreds if not thousands of remote villages in the affected areas...they wud've run into the jugle in some cave rather than stayin put in the flatted house! Tho i do think asians are not really 'manja' when it come to eating stuff in extreme condition especially the rural folks, however health is such a big issue now.It's really sad watchin how thousands of rotten corpses being pushed into one big hole...no way to identify, no names, nuthin, nobody to pay respect to them...if not, they have to deal with the whole disease from the dead issues...terrible...
How lucky we're in Malaysia (despite the 70+ death toll) compared to them...the fact that it didn't hit us that bad (tho losses is at hundreds of millions) and i do think Malaysia has the right size compared to our neighbours...we're not too big nor too small for disaster management. If the tsunami hits Singapore, due to the size, the whole country will be wiped out...clean!! In Indonesia's case, we can see how hard it is to handle the logistic to a highly populated and big country! I hope we dun have to do a large scale disaster management ever but if we need to,i'm sure the good guys of our uniform bodies out there are on their toes all the time (i hope so mann...for the sake of everyone!!). We definately have to find a solution to our delivery system (yup...system, the only thing malaysia lack of altho we have best infrastructures in the region...the whole good-hardware-without-the-software thingy) in everything and especially at times like this. Even the US have this problem (i.e the highest cause of death is due to delivery system-meaning sometimes it's al the forms needed, clearence issues etc in emergency state that kills ppl). So i imagine, we need to be flexible and maintain a good delivery system in disaster management like now. Funds can be set up quickly, clearence can be issued faster and all those stuff...if not it's gonna be really, really bad..
