Am not tryin to jump on a band wagon abt that tsunami thingy...but i feel bad abt it. The reason i said that, the 1st time i heard abt the tsunami after the earthquake, i was thinkin "alaaa...ombak sket2 pun nak kecoh ke?" but when i watched the news that nite i was like.. "holy shit...that's bad!!" Feelin sorry for all those victims...especially in Malaysia...i think the death toll is nearly 60 now...and that poor guy lost all his 5 children...i read once that due to the density of water which is 60 times more than air (if i'm not mistaken)...the impact of the wave that surfers ride is like a brick wall comin down on top of their head...so try to imagine that big ass wave comin on top of those poor kids on the beach...i bet sum of them died of injuries and not because they drowned (*Al-Fatihah)..I do agree with what Pak Lah said...we need a tsunami early warning system...i'm sure if we can't afford it, we shud cough sum money and share the cost with thailand and our other neighbours...coz they gonna need it as much as we do...it's always better to prepare for the worse..

Runnn...runnnn (we definately need the early warning system!!)
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