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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Living a fantasy...

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All of us have fantasies and dreams and I guess that's one of the best way to spend our leisure time (well some do it 24H/day). Most of the time, we think that we've dreamt every single part of those fantasies but I think that's an overstatement. As an example, one have this dreams about owning some superb cars, let say something like the Aston Martin DB9 or maybe the BMW Z4. Now in all those fantasies, there're always this images of driving the cars, having fun with it, enjoy the sheer driving pleasures and beauty of it and maybe it includes showing off the car (I don't do this, I'm a good humble guy...hehehhe). So, dreaming about it is always a fun thing to do but not everyone are fortunate enough to get what they fantasize of...some don't even know how to get what they dream and some would never achieve it...

Let's no waste our time discussing about the ones that do not know how to get it and the ones who will never achieved their fantasies and dreams. We'll just focus this discussion on the ones who are fortunate enough. As I mentioned earlier, we tend to imagine the only the good part of the dreams/ fantasies. In the car fantasies, we always imagine driving hard and fast with the wind thru the hair, having a gorgeous babe at the side, flashing the car etc. What we rarely imagine is the not-so-good part! Ohh yes, maybe there're Utopian dreams but there's no such thing as utopian reality. There are always some flaws when those dreams are translated into reality.

In the car fantasies, I can safely bet that not many will imagine about the hard cold reality of really owning one. The part where one has to really take care of it, being overly cautious and protective ( obviously there's something wrong with a guy who failed to feel that about a beautiful and expensive ride!), fair hours or anxiety, restlessness and maybe some sleepless night thinking about having the car itself not to mention both wanted and unwanted attention. That's still doesn't includes the maintenances where one have to shit bricks and paying thru the nose for the raising fuel cost, insurance and to make sure it is in good top condition.

All the things that I mentioned above rarely included in our fantasies. Fantasizing is one thing but living the fantasy is another. It doesn't mean that it's a fantasy turned nightmare, just that we should be prepared to go thru some headaches and adjustment while living our dreams and fantasies. Dreams/fantasies come true is always a good thing,it should... but be prepared to adjust to the unexpected things that might come with it... :)

p/s: Feel free to apply the discussion on other fantasies...
