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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Permit Besar

Was too lazy to write before but I can't help sharing this one will all you guys. I was in Melaka a few days back for a meeting organized bu my old workplace. During one of the lunch, I was joined by one of the drivers from the old office. We were having our lunch while catching up on things when the topic of discussion turned to his part time job. This guy, mr.R drives a cab after office hour and i started asking him about it.One of my question was about how he obtained his private cab permit. The conversation was like this:

Me: Memang permit sendiri eh?

Mr.R: A'ah...kira nasib baik la dapat, kena interview suma dulu...tunjuk la kata gaji kita kecik suma, tak cukup...dia kesian la...

Me: oooohh...ye ke? Untung la dapat permit tu kan?

Mr.R: Bawak teksi ni permit dia besar!

Me: Besar? besar camna tu?

Mr.R: Ye la, besar la...ko nak bawak sapa suma boleh! Anak dara ke, tunang orang ke, bini orang ke, janda ke...takde sapa bole kata apa!Lepas tu pandaiĀ² la nak idup! Bini ko pun takleh nak cakap apa! Nak balik malam ke, lepas subuh ke, janji bawak balik duit. Kalau dia tanya, cakap la "abang keluar ni cari duit,untuk kau jugak"...

Me: camtu eh?

Mr.R: hehehhee...lepas ko dah keluar tu, suka hati la nak buat apa ke, nak gi mana ke, nak lepak ke...kalau gi dating satu hari pun,sebelum balik rumah, buat keluar je la duit gaji tunjuk kat bini...pompuan ni kalau kau ter'minum' ke, ter'berjudi' ke...marah dia kejap je...ada la dalam seminggu...tapi kalau bab ada pompuan lain, sampai mati dah dia tak percaya...sebab tu untung bawak teksi ni!

Was just smiling and trying to keep my composure tho I was quite shocked. Well, now I know what's the meaning of 'Permit Besar'! I'm quite sure not all of the cab drivers are into those sort of things. Maybe most of em do really work their asses for the hard earned money to support the family...but still, that's a trick that i haven't heard/seen before when it comes to guys fooling around...So i just wanna share the story as a reminder...that guys can be very brilliant when it comes to conjuring up tricks to fool around!
