Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!!
I would like to wish a very Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to everyone and although I'm not doing any korban for this Raya like last year I hope it's gonna be as fun. Last year was my 1st time performing my own korban and the reason am not having any this year is because both my parents are performaing the Haj in Mekah. So, no balik kampung trip and definately no 'meat weak' this year (which is good considering a few pounds that I've been putting up lately). To everyone who'll be performing their korban this year, have a good time with the slaughtering and enjoy all the yummy cookings but be careful not to over eat.Don't want anyone to spend the rest of the week in the hospital!!
p/s: To Rostam, ease up on the meat ok? ...:p
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