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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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sights to see
pesa's photoblog
web to crawl
guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
- ocean colour scene - 
- bush -  
- darkness -  
- incubus -  
- radiohead - 
- silverchair -  
- coldplay -  
- oasis - 
- rage against the machine -  
- ...etc -  
-interest -  
- WW2 - 
- books -  
- music -  
- scaled models - 
- painting -  
- war -  
- peace - 
- warm -  
- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"Naik la"

"Dik, nak gi mana ni? Masuk la...Saya tolong hantar" For a good 5 secs (heh!) I was dumbfounded and not sure what to say or do and the guy said "Naik la...saya ingat anak sedara saya tadi...tapi salah orang...takpela, apa salahnya...naik la...saya hantar" In that 5 secs alot gone thru my mind especially all those kidnapping scenes from the movies! So I said "Ehh takpela, tak payah susah² rumah saya depan tu je" but he keep insisting and then I just realised that I'm not in KL anymore but in Kuala Kangsar and people around here doesn't need to have some hidden reasons to be nice (no disrespect for KL people but those are some of the lessons I've learned after a few years living there).....

Actually I was walking from K. Kangsar's bus station yesterday to my place which happened to be just 20 minutes walk. Suddenly a Pajero passed me and stopped. at the roadside. I thought the man was going to ask me for direction but instead the above conversation occured. After politely declined, I did hop inside the Pajero. Tho I was dumbfounded at 1st but I did get a free ride home and It so happened that the man was living not that far from my place...The reasons I did hop in :

- It's 6.30 pm (I wasn't even dark yet)
- I was only carrying RM10
- I'm guy....what can he possibly do to me right? errrr...rite?

but there's no way in hell I'm going to do that in KL!! Anyone with similar/creepy experience regarding a stranger offering a lift??
