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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Thinning hairline (mood: worried)

Got myself a haircut yesterday and it's beginning to be such a burdensome activities nowadays.Have to be really careful giving out the instruction to the barber not to cut that much...my hair is thinning and it's tiring not to mention giving that unnecessary worries!In my 'glorious youth' days, I used to have nice shiny black,thick long hair...well that was maybe 7 years ago.It was one thing that I'm proud about myself back then.It was the grunge heyday and having long thick hair is always a good thing...I even make fun of my dad bout his thinning hair and those people with short if not half bald head.Little did I know back then that my dad used to have that big,thick afro hair when he was young and hair loss/thinnning has something to do with genetic!! Yikes!!!That's scary!

I started to notice that more and more of my hair keep falling off during shower like 2-3 years ago....man it sucks!!Back then in my college years,I sometimes tied up my hair into small cute ponytail to class.My current version of short hair, well it wasn't like this until last year when my back then 'fling/unofficial' gf dragged me to a saloon because she didn't like my hair style...something about that long hair being out of trend or something like that! So I got this new shorter hairsyle which I didn't like that much back then but got used to.Plus that stylist told me I should keep my hair short coz it'll help with the 'masalah keguguran rambut' (sound much more worse rite?)..*Sigh (worried)

Maybe it's one of those karma thing coz I used to make jokes about his hair (sorry dad) saying that it has changed from a forest to a landing strip for small planes!! >:)...At the age of 24, I'm kinda worried about how my hair will look like in 10-15 years time.I bet by that time my wife (gf) would drag me to the hair treatment centre!!!...but I know you still gonna love me as much....rite sayanggg?? eventho I'm turning bald in 15 years time? kan??kan? :p...So...any guys a tips to solve this prob??Please share it with me!!
