Lost and gone...
Been workin around sick people for almost 2 years now.The thing about this kind of work is that, it's not always a good way to start a day, but the most rewarding part is when you see a sick/ injured person gets better. The downside and the worst part of the job is when a patient who is healing up well, who can already smile suddenly just...died.I had that experience before, and that's the worst way of losing a patient.My love story is like that too i guess. It started when i tried to heal an injured soul...she was injured deeply inside.I had dedicated my life since to heal her up.Just when i thought she's going to heal up nicely and able to enjoy her life again, be happy and never had to bear the pain again, she just lost it and gone. I tried to hold on to her as long as I can, but at the end,I still failed.Maybe it's wasn't meant to be...I tried my best but God has other plans for her and me I guess...I had to let her go away this time no matter how painful it is...I dunno, I should've seen it coming...but I refuse to let her go before this...now is time to let go...I have no regrets because I tried my best and she knows that too...at least I know she loved me as much.
To my dear sayang,I'll always keep your love inside no matter what happened...that's my promise to you...I wish i can do more...thanks for everythin...hope you'll heal someday and able to be happy again...maybe we wont see each other again since you're goin far away, but i believe that everythin has 'hikmah' in it...goodbye luv...
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