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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Friday, August 26, 2005

My cheeky tongue

I was in the admin office trying to print out some documents when the new printer there suddenly didn't respond.
"Tengok, apa nie?Benda baru pun takleh pakai...patut la suma orang sibuk cari janda".The moment I finished that sentence,all the 'makciks' and 'akaks' there starts laughing and one akak said "Amboiii...anak bujang sorang nie!!". Sometimes I can't believe myself on how fast my tongue react and I can swear that it's my archaic reflex working instead of my brain!Yesterday was just another good example.Now that's pretty embarrassing since I don't think it should comes out like that and the reason it did because I was reading about the Normala's wedding in the newspaper a few minutes earlier!! After printing the document in the next room, I walked out of the office covering my face with it. Everyone thinks it was funny when I did that but it's damn embarrassing for me!! Ciss...sungguh memalukan!! I wonder what all of the 'makciks' talked after I got out of the office!Maybe now they think i'm a pervert in some way!! There goes my reputation! No more potential mother in laws after this...


I watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory last weekend.The only reason I did that was because I can only remember the part where the fat kid which fell in the choc river being sucked out in the same movie when I was a small kid. If I remember correctly, that movie supposed to be fun and funny, but after I got out of the cinema last weekend, the only think in my head was " Oh my God, Willy 'Wanker' (pun intended) is one freaky guy!!" He reminds me of sad clowns and that's scary!! I'm quite sure that if the story was written recently, it wouldn't be like that because nowadays, the moment something happened to the children, the 1st thing that'll come out of the parent's mouth would be "I'LL SUE YOUR ASS FOR THIS!!!"...and it wouldn't be funny anymore wouldn't it?
