Dangerous exploits...

Say your prayers...
Being in love is like being in a rollercoaster; the highest, most dangerous, most exciting emotional ride one can have. In a split of a second the ride can go up and down turning, spinning and twisting. It can gives the most exciting feeling in the world but one can also feel dizzy and throw up at times. It comes with the ride and nobody can say they're not being warned of the risks once they stepped in for the ride...I kinda say to myself that I don't want to take the rollercoaster ride anymore fearing it'll be as dangerous and devastating as the last one...but somehow I'm finding myself taking this ride again. Still scared as hell yet it's a ride I don't wanna miss. Like I said, I can't say I'm not aware of the risk. Getting in one again and survive the ride hold as many chance as surviving a game of Russian roulette. Not very impressive if you see the winning stat...Better say my prayers now...
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