Farewell party
The dapartment was having a farewell party for me yesterday.The menu: Yummy nasi beriyani (no acar tho, which was slightly dissapointed).As always, when there's a farewell party, there will be speecehes. 1st it was by my head of department, Dr J. Obviously she was talking about me...Yadayadayada...then it was my turn...I'm not that good when it comes to giving speeches...never was but i have to yesterday.Suddenly i felt kinda sad (I do want to leave this place...trust me!), but still tryin to control myself. After my little speech and thanking all the people who has been so kind to me...we bedal the nasi beriyani!! Yummy!! End up feeling really full :)...Anyway,my last day here would be on the 1st July...that's another week...one more week to Kuala Kangsar...the royal town (trying to make myself feel better!)
p/s: Anyone who wants to give farewell gifts or farewell treats,may still do so.. :p
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