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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Friday, May 13, 2005

Hot chics anyone?

I was watchin Discovery after work last 2 days ago about one indegenous tribe of Papua New Guinea.It's about their Pig Feast, kinda like a big celebration in the tribe where they gonna slaughter 1 or 2 pigs (no not ur average pink, but the smaller hairy ones) for the whole village + other invited tribes. Well, not that much meat to go around by our obesity/diabetes prone society standard but it's enuff for them i guess. Now these tribes, they dun wear much clothes(see pic),and i guess being isolated from outside world (they live very much like their forefathers before them)they're not into our fashion fad.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBack to the Pig Feast, after the whole slaughtering, cooking and feasting, they have this dance in a specially built hut where both the men and the women gonna dance (in jumping style).The dance started from dusk till dawn (heheh...talk about hardcore clubbers!!) so that both men and women (it's normal for a man to take up to 5 wives there) can flirt. It'll end up with couples goin into the woods to 'get to know each other' (whateva that mean). The most interesting part bout this documentary is when a few men said sth like "i'm so excited coz there will be alot of BEAUTIFUL women tonite during the dance". Since these guys never had any TV dun interact much with the outside world, their perception of beautiful hot chics is very much different from the rest of the world. In the days where thousands of miles are not that far anymore, almost all the world population have a standard mindset of beauty. Ask anyone and almost all wud describe physical beauty as fair, tall, well shaped body with the face of a model.However, i do believe that our beautiful model wouldnt be that 'hot' in those tribes.Maybe our beauties wud be the last pick to go into the wood with the men there!Maybe the gals in the pic are their hot babes there!!Well...hot chics anyone?? :)
