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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Isn't it ironic?

It's amazing how things can turn in just a blink of an eye sometimes, and at the moment that we least expected. It's been raining for the past few days now...and just last week, it was said in TV, newspaper etc that we're having this really dry season. Forest was burning, water level in dam and river was dropping and suddenly it just it just started to rain...heavily!! Last 2 days, at around 4 p.m, suddenly the skies blackened and the rain starts pouring down...I was driving home and it felt like driving thru a waterfall...i can't even remember the last time i experienced sth like that...how ironic when ppl were complaining abt how dry the weather was just 2 days before that...

I guess such thing can happen to us too...i mean, sometimes we feel that things are all good, run smoothly...but suddenly, without a warning...bamm, just like that and everything started to turn the opposite way...it 's like WTF just happened??!! Well everythin happened for a reason, and sometimes it's beyond our control and certainly not our fault at all, but it still happened. Nuthin much we can do about those...if we make a mistake, we can always try to make it right but what can u do to something that's not ours?? As for me, when it comes to ppl/things that are important to me, i will always try and fix it. Sometimes it's beyond my capabilities to do so resulting in much worst condition...that's when i fucked it all up...sometimes some things will resolve by itself but by tryin to do sth abt it, it's just gonna get worse...but hey, it's just bloody hard to just sit and not doin anythin!!

I just hope things around me will get better and i should learn to hold myself back from doin anythin with a good intention but resulting in a much worse condition. Sometimes it's just a crime to be nice or friendly. There are times where the act of tryin to be nice, or friendly or even caring is being considered as tryin to be nosy and irritating. Well that's just the way of the world, ppl and things in it i guess. Heck, i did it myself sometimes!!Havin said all that, the world is just full of suprises and we never know what the future holds...hope it holds good things for me and for the ppl that i care.
