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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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pesa's photoblog
web to crawl
guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
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- to be continued... -  

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Back with a vengence

Hehe...nah, the title means nuthin actually, but my last post was on 23rd March...really i dunno how many read my blog, and to be honest, i really dun care...it's just my way of venting things out.Past few months have been a weird experience, and i guess i dun really write that much due to a couple of reasons...yeah been busy is one of it, but i wasn't THAT busy all the time...maybe most of my time was concentrated on a special sumone...and i'm glad i did that...again, maybe that's one of the reason i dun vent much here...been venting sumwhere else :D...

I'm used to wonder why do ppl dun really care much about things around them (in a way la) at certain level of their lives.Not that they dun want to, but other things become THE priority in life i guess....maybe i'm having the same syndrome...i do think i have the symptoms...the changing of priorities is sth very normal for everyone...it's just a matter of time.I used to see things in a different way coz it was a different ball game altogether.Things changed lately and what i mean by that is the angle i see life.It's still pretty much the same things, about being better,succesfull,being happy and the whole idea of greatness in life.Lately i think i did a few alterations in the way i see and try to achieve all those.Simply to accomodate another person that i wanna share all those with.Life is funny, u lose sum but u win sum back...heh, i dun think it's about losing and winning at all anyway.When i'm used to be selfish and self centered, i think i'm more considerate now, i'm used to be very sceptical in life, now i do have faith in certain things (ok la...i'm still sceptical abt lots of things :D)...all i'm tryin to say, i lost sum bits of my old self....and i gained sumthin new...losing and gaining do have some effects on my life...all the things that i lost and gained have both good and bad in it...depending on how u see it....everythin is like a coin. It has 2 sides but the value of the coin is still the same no matter which side u see it....

I'm grateful to God for giving me this chance...to see things in different view and i just realized that along the way i've been missing certain stuff too...good stuff that i enjoy...now it's just a matter of pickin up few pieces,drop sum, and enjoy this newfound gifts that i have... :) simple truth is that...am just plain happy now...
