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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

BTN Course

I went for a Biro Tata Negara course in Ulu Sepri (US) Rembau,N9 lst month. The main 'purpose' for this kind of camp is to give 'correct information' on govermnet to all the civil servants, students and anyone who they can get their hands on...lectures in the course obviously about the achievements of governments,clarification on certain 'issues' etc yada yada yada...hehhe...imagine 5 days of that and an exam at the end of it...fun?? hehe...yeahh rite...

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The 'jeram' beside our dorm...kinda kewl.

This camp is located deep in some ladang kelapa sawit in Rembau. Hehehe, if they built our boarding schools and MRSM in this kind of place, i'm sure there wouldnt be cases of the students go out at night 'lompat pagar'.The camp is great tho it can be bloody hot at times there plus all the irritating bugs. Beside that it's all good

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Funnyman Shah

Well i met loots of great guys there...this time it's different from the last time i attended sth like this (i.e kursus induksi)...i mean tho most of the guys here are older than me(still below 30 yr old)...most of them are gila2 and gila selamba type...not to mention lots of jokers here...so we end up making lots of noise and laugh most of the time...

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Yeahh..most of us look like a bunch of schoolgoing students...hehe...obviously i'm not in not in this photo

Beside lectures on those things that i mentioned above, we also have classes...or simply 'Latihan Dalam Kumpulan' (LDK)...and mine is LDK 4...as u can see, those are the guys in my group...come from various background...PTD officer, doctor, nurse, engineer, town planner, theatre guy etc....so when we were given the chance to give our opinion on certain issues, i'm quite suprised that most of em kinda like agreed with each others....well except for a few (including me i guess)...that's when the whole joke of "abisla...dpat notice tukar gi Sarawak in 24 hr la" everytime one of the few gave a 'controversy'statement/opinion on things discussed...hehhe...

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My buddy Reza tryin to complete his 20 push ups

We also have those early morning roll calls and were given marching lesson...it's funny it felt so easy this time coz i used to cursed everytime i had to march in my school days...i mean it's so bloody hard to do it back then!! plus we have some aerobic exercise every mornin that comes with a song that was known among us as 'lagu lari lagi' with funny lyrics that goes like "lari, lari...lari lagi...agar kuat, urat kaki...lari, lari...kita lari"...so at the end of the course...most of the guys were humming that highly addicted tune :D...oh..and we also have physical assesment like push ups and a bunch of other stuff...and the 2 km run (where i got 3rd place :p..hehe..nak gak berlagak)...it's all very tiring everyday...no wonder i really have big appetite there...the food was not that bad...so i end up tambah my nasi every time....

Anyway...being to that particular BTN was really a nice experience in a way...i mean compared to all the camps that i've been before...this is definately the best....good bapak2 jurulatih, really selamba and funny frenz...it all really helped...it wud be a camp that i'm going to remember for a long time....
