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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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- to be continued... -  

Saturday, January 15, 2005

You and Me Song

This is a song that was released when in 95/96...I was in F2 at that time...really kewl and poppish song by Wannadies...you guys should listen to it (was listenin to it in the car this mornin, and it makes me smile everytime)

You and Me Song (Wannadies)

Always when we fight, I try to make you laugh
until everything's forgotten, I know you hate that
ba ba ra ra ba ba ba ba ba ba ra ra ba ba ba ba
always when we fight, I kiss you once or twice
and everything's forgotten, I know you hate that
I love you Sunday sun, the week's not yet begun
and everything's quiet and it's always
you and me, always, and forever you and me, always,
and forever ba ba ba ba ba it was always,
you and me, always
you tell me I'm a real man, and try to look impressed
not very convincing but you know I love it
then we watch TV, until we fall asleep not very exciting,
but it's you and me and we'll, always,
be together you and me, always, and forever
ba ba ba ba ba it was always, you and me, always,
and forever you and me, always, and forever
ba ba ba ba ba it was always, you and me, always,
and forever ba ba ba ba ba ba ra ra
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