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Resident of a Royal Town altho he himself is a commoner. He spends most of his days around the sick yet he is still lucky to be blessed with good health. He likes busy places altho he is alone most of the time. He is the jack of many trades yet master in none...

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sights to see
pesa's photoblog
web to crawl
guardian unlimited football
guardian newspaper
- ocean colour scene - 
- bush -  
- darkness -  
- incubus -  
- radiohead - 
- silverchair -  
- coldplay -  
- oasis - 
- rage against the machine -  
- ...etc -  
-interest -  
- WW2 - 
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- scaled models - 
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- war -  
- peace - 
- warm -  
- cold -  
- to be continued... -  

Saturday, November 27, 2004


Sigh...been really busy for the past gew weeks with work...errrmm lots of things been goin on around me or with my life...it's just that i was just too busy to write abt any of it...anyway...my raya this year was OK lah...not too fun...1st of all my parents and my kid bro went to Mekah durin fasting month and they only got back here on 1st day of raya (in the afternoon)....so spending the last 2 days of Ramadhan at home is not that fun coz it's me and my sis who was cookin...damn boring...really miss my mom's cooking at that time!!! tension sehhh!
Ohh...this is the 1st time i drive balik myself :p...even took a wrong turn along the way and nearly got lost...bengong btul...my sis was with me but it didn't help!...ok la..i'm not very good in my sense of direction (ohhh boy...that explains alot about my bumpy life!)...plus before this, i will sleep all the way on most of my trips back :p.....that's why i x sure jalan mana...stupid ehh??...oh...there's this one time in Bentong where suddenly the traffic started to slow down, there's an accident...and the body was still lyin on the road as i passed the scene...covered up with newspaper...with blood all over the road...damn...now that is one guy who will not spend his hari raya with anyone...pretty bad coz he flipped his ride...God have mercy on him...
Back at home during raya...we didn't go anywhere this raya....just entertaining guests/relatives that came coz my parents are just too tired to go anywhere after they got back from Mekah...I myself went to a few fren's houses but that's about it....after the whole week of indulging myself in yummy fatty food (lots of it)...i drove back to kl with my sis,a fren n his gf...and back to work...sigh...
