Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Just wanna share with u guys about this great funny movie called ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smokin Barrels’…I bet sum of u guys watched this movie before…coz it’s quite an old movie…was released back in 1998 and written and directed by Guy Ritchie…this movie is about 4 guys, Edward, Bacon, Tom and Soap who lost ½ of million quid in a card game to a gangster, ‘Hatchet’ Harry Lonsdale and they must pay up in 6 days or else one finger from each of em will be cut for each day after the deadline. All sorts of funny things happened in order for them to raise the money (and keep their fingers on) including robbing their neighbour (a bunch of gangsters) who just rob a shitload of cash and weed (or in this movie referred to as ‘ganja’). The movie is so damn entertaining, full of wit; lots of those funny cockney’s accent plus intelligent plots (tho full of coincidence) and it’ll sure to keep u laughing even after u finished watching it! I borrowed the dvd from a fren, not sure tho if u can get it from the ‘friendly dvd towkey’ near you. Anyway, boys and gals…go and watch it and enjoy the movie!!

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